Alpha lines

Rotte più richieste

Pireo a Poros

1 h 5 m - 1 h 10 m

€32.00 - €34.00

Speed Cat I 1 h 5 m - 1 h 10 m

Viaggia da dal Pireo a a Poros con Speed Cat I. Il tuo viaggio durerà circa 01h 05m. I prezzi vanno da €32 a €34.

Poros al Pireo

1 h 5 m - 1 h 15 m

€32.00 - €34.00

Speed Cat I 1 h 5 m - 1 h 15 m

Viaggia da da Poros a al Pireo con Speed Cat I. Il tuo viaggio durerà circa 01h 05m. I prezzi vanno da €32 a €34.

Pireo a Idra

1 h 15 m - 1 h 45 m

€38.00 - €39.00

Speed Cat I 1 h 15 m - 1 h 45 m

Viaggia da dal Pireo a a Idra con Speed Cat I. Il tuo viaggio durerà circa 01h 15m. I prezzi vanno da €38 a €39.


Alpha lines offre il programma fedeltà AlphaClub che consente ai viaggiatori di raccogliere punti ogni volta che viaggiano sulle sue navi. Per semplificare l'applicazione dei tuoi punti fedeltà al momento della prenotazione sul sito Openferry ti basta inserire il tuo numero fedeltà!

Biglietti elettronici

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sconti su Alpha lines

Alpha lines offre una varietà di sconti, a seconda della nave, della rotta e del periodo dell'anno. Di seguito è riportato un elenco degli sconti più frequenti di cui potrai usufruire prenotando su Openferry. Trovi alcune indicazioni su come applicare gli sconti alla tua prenotazione qui.

  • Famiglia con 3 o più figli (solo cittadini greci)

  • Studente universitario (economia) (50%)

Tipi di sistemazioni

  • Posti a sedere numerati in poltrone tipo aereo

    Posti a sedere tipo aereo, solitamente numerati

Navi di Alpha lines,

Termini e condizioni di Alpha lines


Passenger tickets are nominal (registered), are valid for the route and date issued and cannot be transferred to another person. Reservations and ticketing can be made through the travel agencies associated with the company, via the internet and at the company’s port offices. For the issuance of the ticket and in order to register passengers travelling on passenger ships which operates from or to Greek ports (Directive 98/ 41/ EC/ 1998 – P.D 23/ 1999 & P.D 102/ 2019 /A 182) it is necessary to register the occupants. The nominal tickets issued must indicate: the passenger’s surname, the passenger’s name in full, date of birth, gender and nationality. During the booking and issuance of the ticket, passengers are kindly requested to indicate their mobile phone number enabling Company to contact them in case of emergency e.g. detention due to adverse weather conditions Business or economy tickets are marked with a seat number on the ticket Children up to 5 years old For children up to 5 years old a zero fare ticket is issued Loss of tickets In case of loss of ticket, the passenger must inform the company in writing & issue a new ticket to the company’s port offices in place of the lost Routes The company’s itineraries are those that the company has officially announced and are posted on its website and are listed in its advertising brochures The company reserves the right to cancel or modify them if necessary The arrival times mentioned relate to the time of arrivals in the entrance of the port. Delay of service for reasons of force majeure Passengers can board the ship without having to replace their ticket Cancellation of service for reasons of force majeure Aborted tickets must be replaced in order for passengers to travel on another route Children and Young Passengers Children up to 15 years old cannot travel without an escort Children 15 to 18 years old are allowed to travel unaccompanied provided they bring with them upon boarding the ship in addition to the documents required by all passengers, completed responsible declaration of parent or guardian In the absence of the declaration of responsibility, the company will refuse the minor to board the ship. Passenger control During boarding and during the journey, check-ins are carried out during check-in, passengers must show their tickets In the case of discount tickets, passengers must present the supporting documents corresponding to the commercial discounts on their tickets. Smoking Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed areas of the ship (Law 3730 Ministry of Health) Passengers wishing to smoke can use specific areas on the open deck Travel insurance Sea voyages are governed by specific laws and regulations Passengers must comply with them as well as the instructions of the master and crew The company may prohibit passengers who do not comply with them from boarding the ship The company may check baggage and items carried by passengers for safety reasons Passengers carrying a weapon must declare it when boarding to the relevant officers of the ship. Passengers may exceptionally disembark after boarding the ship only if they receive permission / approval by the officers of the ship. Passenger Rights Charter Passengers can be informed of their rights on the website Dispute resolution For any dispute arising from the contract of carriage between the company and the passengers responsible for resolving the Piraeus courts

Cancellations & Modifications

Ticket cancellations According to the time of cancellation of the ticket, the following apply: High season travel from 26/05/23 up to 24/09/23 Up to 4 days from the scheduled travel date Refund of fare without cancellation fees Convert tickets to open date tickets Convert tickets to new travel date tickets Up to 2 hours before departure 50% refund of the fare or converted into open date tickets or new travel date tickets Return of fare without cancellation fees for proven reasons of force majeure Until departure time Return 50% of the fare Tickets are not converted to open date tickets or new travel date tickets Conversion of tickets into open date tickets for proven reasons of force majeure Convert tickets to new travel date tickets for proven reasons of force majeure After departure The fare is non-refundable Tickets are not converted to open date tickets Tickets are not converted to new travel date tickets Open date tickets Open-date tickets are cancelled without cancellation fees if they were originally issued as open date tickets. Tickets that have been converted into open date tickets are subject to the cancellation conditions applicable to the original tickets. Low travel season until 25/05/23 and as from 25/09/23 up to 31/10/23 Up to 24 hours from scheduled travel date Refund of fare without cancellation fees Convert tickets into open date tickets Convert tickets to new travel date tickets Until departure time 50% refund of the fare or converted into open date tickets or new travel date tickets Return of fare without cancellation fees for proven reasons of force majeure After departure The fare is non-refundable Tickets are not converted to open date tickets Tickets are not converted to new travel date tickets Fare refunds are only made by the agencies that issued the tickets Duration of open date tickets Tickets issued as open date tickets as well as tickets converted into open date tickets have a validity period of one year from the date of issue Open date tickets Open date ticket holders must book in order to travel based on the availability of the itinerary. Holders of open-date tickets travelling in a seat with a higher fare must pay the fare difference. Holders of open-date tickets travelling in a seat with a lower fare are not entitled to a refund of the difference


Pets The ship has special areas for the accommodation of pets Pets are not allowed in the enclosed areas of the ship Passengers travelling with their pet are solely responsible for the safety, hygiene and care of them


Luggage Passengers can carry luggage weighing up to 50 kg or volume equal to one cubic meter Special areas on board have been provided for the carriage of baggage. The luggage of passenger who wish to do so, can be delivered to the crew during boarding, taking a receipt of baggage delivery and will be returned to them at their port of destination Items of value can be delivered for safekeeping to the ship’s Purser’s Office. The company is not responsible for the loss of luggage, valuables or money in the public areas of the ship or in luggage that has not been delivered to the crew. The transport of flammable and hazardous materials is prohibited

Special Assistance

Disabled persons or persons in need of special care must declare this during booking or ticketing The ship has boarding ramps and seats designed to serve disabled passengers.

Tutte le rotte di Alpha lines

Prenotazioni facili, prezzi trasparenti, assistenza clienti affidabile e molte funzionalità a bordo

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