Yesil Marmaris Lines

Popular routes

Kos to Bodrum


€18.00 - €22.00

Kartepe 20m

Travel from Kos to Bodrum with the Kartepe. Expect your trip to take around 20m.Prices are in the range of €22.

Akcakoca 20m

Travel from Kos to Bodrum with the Akcakoca. Expect your trip to take around 20m.Prices are in the range of €18 to €22.

Rhodes to Marmaris



Kartepe 1h

Travel from Rhodes to Marmaris with the Kartepe. Expect your trip to take around 01h 00m.Prices are in the range of €55.

Marmaris to Rhodes



Kartepe 1h

Travel from Marmaris to Rhodes with the Kartepe. Expect your trip to take around 01h 00m.Prices are in the range of €55.

Ticket collection

Yesil Marmaris Lines does not accept e-Tickets. You will need to collect your physical tickets at a partnering agency on the day of your trip. More information on where and how to collect your tickets will be provided with your booking.

Types of accommodation

  • Deck Seats

    Out door seats

Yesil Marmaris Lines vessels

Yesil Marmaris Lines terms and conditions


Cancellation of The Travel and Refund Conditions The BUYER cannot ask the SELLER to alter any detail (i.e. BUYER name, date, time and itinerary) on the electronic ticket which is purchased in accordance with this contract’s rules. The BUYER accepts and guarantees that there will be no request to the SELLER for any change after the completion of the sale. No refund is made to any BUYER in case of; Authorities’ refusal to the person trying to leave the country, expired visa, not having a valid visa.

All Yesil Marmaris Lines routes

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