During your search, you can click on the information icon of your trip to find our more details about each trip.
It's not enough to know the general cancellation and modification policies of ferry companies. We go a step further and offer insight on the custom policies for specific ferry company ticket types.
During your search, you can click on the information icon of your trip to find our more details about each trip.
One of the details you can check is the cancellation, modification and open policy of the particular trip. Ferry company policies are always dependent on the time before your trip that you request a change or cancellation.
Sometimes, specific tickets can have different cancellation or modification policies. Once you select your trip and proceed to select your ticket, any custom policies will appear under the ticket.
Please remember that we do our best to keep policies up do date but we cannot ensure that this information is always valid. We always recommend that you check the terms and conditions of the ferry company to make sure that you have the most up to date terms.